Convert multiple Flash (flv) Videos to, for example, MPEG encoding

With ffmpeg and bash this is really easy. Also .flv and .mpeg are easily interchangeable by all other video codecs supported by ffmpeg:

##convert all videos of $srctype type to $desttype type encoding
for i in *.$SRCCODEC; do
    echo -n "###################  "
    echo -n "will convert \"$i\""
    echo "  ###################"
    ffmpeg -i "${i}" -y "${i%%.${SRCCODEC}}.${DESTCODEC}" && rm -vf "$i"

Note that this includes removing the original video file only after a successful recode run overwriting existing destination files (-y option). The interesting part is this: ${i%%.${SRCCODEC}}. It removes the source’s postfix, i.e. file extension. You could save this as a text file, say and chmod +x filename. I have my own scripts go to ~/bin which I include in $PATH via ~/.bashrc. If you do so you would typically call this within the videos’ directory including logging all output and errors to convert.log, i.e. redirecting STDOUT (= file descriptor 1) and STDERR (= file descriptor 2) via &>: &> convert_all.log &

If you want to see the output you could use tail -f logfile or read more on redirection and duplication. You could also do all that in a single command line:

for i in *.flv; do echo converting $i; ffmpeg -i "${i}" -y "${i%%.flv}.mpeg" && rm -vf "$i"; done

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