Will Drupal 7 help Semantic Web actually and finally come to live?

If you’ve been working with Drupal 6 (D6) and have taken a little time viewing

  • A. Dries’ talk (mp4 video file) at Drupalcon Boston this year — especially the bit about focusing on data, exports and imports, deliver in different formats, reusing data — quoting him: “so that no single party owns the data”
  • B. strolling through D6 modules already in development using RDF in some way or another, especially exhibit demos

then you really come to think of the next step of the web. Taking into account the goals set for the upcoming release (especially usability, WYSIWYG and media handling) on the one hand and through heaps of modules Drupals already extreamly flexible and extensable I really can believe it will be a “killer” as mentioned by Dries. And thereby premiering to take semantic web ceriously on a large scale.

So I propose on a more abstract level that web 3.0 (or whatever the buzzword might become) will depend on departing from the perspective “data in tables” and move towards “data in graphs”.

The really critical about this, though, could fast become that people will even more difficultly keep track of the truth or the sources of information in that matter. Only think about our media world as it is already where journalists/bloggers (name them as you wish) in large parts more or less do the copy-paste rather than actually investigating. One just hast to become even more aware I guess, which is not all that bad!

On a side note: I’m only disappointed that there was no mentioning of a couple of small but really effectiv and effectfull modules: Teleport, WYMeditor, Live or LiveSearch. But I guess they are just to specific; even though WYMeditor working properly and broadly would really give Drupal an extra push-up wow-effect that is not only shiny blink-blink.

Update: I just finished watching the video (l wrote this articel about half way through) and what do I see? Berners-Lee beeing cited saying: “From the Wourld Wide Web (WWW) to the Giant Global Graph (GGG)”. And what did I say? 😉

Have you ever looked at a vector graphic so watch the time fly by?

Well, here you can do so right now (you need Opera or another browser with SVG-viewer; FF3 doesn’t do it — it’s a Scalable Vector Graphic)

… Damit, why doesn’t wordpress allow .svg? Well, then you will have to follow this link above (I was going to show it in this post).

Delete folder recursively via php if ftp says: Prohibited directory name

Using eclipse to sync an ftp folder with my local XAMPP installation I ran into he following situation. I ended up with a folder created on the remote machine called 'C:\xampp\tmp' that I could not delete or even view properties or content of using any ftp client I could get hands on (filezilla, ncftp3, gnome ftp “server connect”). Since the folder was on webspace I thought: “Mmh, why not try php.” So I created a file called delfolder.php right in the folder containing the miscurious c:-directory and finally came up with this:

< ?php function rm_recursive($filepath) {     if (is_dir($filepath) && !is_link($filepath)) {         if ($dh = opendir($filepath)) {             while (($sf = readdir($dh)) !== false) {                 if ($sf == '.' || $sf == '..' ) {                     continue;                 }                 if (!rm_recursive($filepath.'/'.$sf)) {                     throw new Exception($filepath.'/'.$sf.' could not be deleted.');                 }             }             closedir($dh);         }         return rmdir($filepath);     }     return unlink($filepath); } // Path to directory you want to delete $directory = 'C:\xampp\tmp'; // Delete it if (rm_recursive($directory)) {     echo "{$directory} has been deleted"; } else {     echo "{$directory} could not be deleted"; } [/sourcecode] This, of course, only works if you have either direct access via shell (but than again why not just use rm -Rf 'C:\xampp\tmp') or FTP and web, i.e. HTTP, access to the folder in question.


Drupal: An easy way to set up multiple sites on localhost

This works for a couple of subdomains/sites only. If you need to have a load of sites or other settings this is not for you. On the other hand this method needs no web server configuration.

  1. In your systems hosts file (Windows: In your favourite text editor open %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and on Linux it’s /etc/hosts.
  2. Find the line defining, i.e. your local horst, erm localhost 🙂 and append sitename1.localhost to the end of the line. do so for every site name you need.
  3. Go to your apaches/webservers documents folder holding your drupal installation. Say it’s htdocs/drupal than you need folder sites. There should be at least two folders called all and default. Copy default and name it sitename1.localhost, i.e. excactly the string you added to your hosts file (again you need to replace sitename1 by your site’s name but do include the dot!).
  4. In your web browser type sitename1.localhost/drupal to test if drupal shows up at all (meaning your OS resolves your “domain name” correctly) and if it shows your old content (meaning it works).

Now you have two options to actually set up your “new site”: Either edit the settings.php that should be in the new folder to use a diferent data base (that should be well-stocked with drupal data) or just install a fresh drupal site. You achieve the later by doing:

  1. Delete settings.php. That should leave you with a file named default.settings.php.
  2. Point your browser to sitename1.localhost/drupal/install.php and do everything like you did with the first install but use a diferent database (or the same but different database prefix).
  3. Done.


  • settings.php

Furthur reading

Ubuntu: Changing Hostname from Command Line

As described at it’s straight forward:

sudo /bin/hostname mynewhostname

Supplying the path to the binary is for security reasons, I guess, to make sure we have the right bin (eventhough it could have been replaced there, too…).

But the people at debianadmin.com forgot to mention in order to avoid “hostname: Unknown Host” you have to

sudo edit /etc/hosts

and change it there, too!

Ubuntu: Howto setup mp3 preview on Mouse-Over

Straight from Ubuntuguide.org:

You can also get Mouse over preview to work by installing:

sudo apt-get install mpg321
sudo apt-get install mpg123-esd
sudo apt-get install vorbis-tools
sudo apt-get install esound
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

with this system Skype still functions.

Three easy steps to Install Ubuntu Fresh but still have all your Favourite Packages Installed

Also, there is a very interesting article at Linux Owns showing three steps to get all your favourite packages (back) fast. I added a fourth step actually saving your package list for later use. Deriving it straight from there (without testing, since unfortunatelly my last machine has been hardyed just a couple of hours ago):

  1. integrate medibuntu sources.list
    sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
  2. add server key
    wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
  3. write a text file listing all package names you wish installed separated with spaces — you should be able to instead put every package name in one line with trailing \\ (double back-slash) but as I said: I haven’t tested it, yet! Name it, say, most_important_debs.
  4. sudo aptitude --assume-yes install < most_important_debs
    You might want to approve the package list before install. In that case omit --assume-yes</li>
    Let me know it someone used it (hopefully with success).
    <strong>Update</strong> 2008/05/15: It does help to read and think before you speak (or write for that matter). I got it completely wring. The linked article is about packages from <a href="https://launchpad.net/medibuntu/">Medi</a><a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu">buntu</a> only. OK then, if it's like this I just alter 1, 2, <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">4</span> and 3 -&gt; 1 🙂
    	<li>build a list of your (most important, enduser) packages</li>
    	<li>update-manager -d, i.e. dist-upgrade your system</li>
    	<li>employ aptitude to read in your file (to be exact it's bash that redirect from the file...)</li>
    Of course, this method still does not solve the problem of saving your personal settings but still get all the system settings from the new distro release. But this shouldn't be that hard for release maintainers since they (potentially) know which package version had what config files delivered or generated. From there it should be easy to determine if a system config file has been changed be the user -&gt; show diff. Or do I overlook something once again?
    <strong>Update</strong> 2008/05/15: Even better looks aptitude-run-state-bundle:
    aptitude-create-state-bundle produces a compressed archive storing the files that are required to replicate the current
    package archive state.  The following files and directories are included in the bundle:
    ·      $HOME/.aptitude
    ·      /var/lib/aptitude
    ·      /var/lib/apt
    ·      /var/cache/apt/*.bin
    ·      /etc/apt
    ·      /var/lib/dpkg/status
    The output of this program can be used as an argument to aptitude-run-state-bundle(1).</blockquote>
    Update 2008/05/15: A good starting point would be either
    dpkg -l | grep ^i | editor

    or if you don’t use aptitude this also shows (only currently) installed packages

    dpkg -l | grep ^i | editor

    One needs to remove non-package-name strings, though. As I haven’t come around to learn sed (line editing) I cannot show how to deploy sed to do it. Anyone?

Ubuntu Cheat Sheet from FOSS for Hardy Heron

There is a neat cheat sheet out in PDF format from FOSS covering, among many others, the new Ubuntu Uncomplicated Firewall ufw, special packages, of course apt-family package management, services a.k.a init scripts and daemons, …

It’s released under CC-BY-SA 3.0. By the way, did you know

Type the phrase “REISUB” while
holding down Alt and SysRq (PrintScrn) with
about 1 second between each letter. Your system
will reboot.

Ubuntu Hardy Heron Dist-Upgrade via Command Line

You can do Dist-Upgrades not only with the GUI update-manager but also via do-release-update. The tool tells me what awaits me (I have 6000 kB/s):

66 packages are going to be removed. 193 new packages are going to be
installed. 1269 packages are going to be upgraded.

You have to download a total of 1005M. This download will take about
23 minutes with your connection.

Fetching and installing the upgrade can take several hours. Once the
download has finished, the process cannot be cancelled.

So, let’s see.

Btw do-release-update by itself notices if you are connected via ssh and asks if you want to proceed. If you do you’ll get a second sshd on Port 9904. Using screen it shouldn’t be a problem for me but very nice of the tool to ask 🙂

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